Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.


Showing 4 responses by peterayer

Kiddman, this is the first time I've heard Magico speakers described as having "higher distortion". How did you measure this high distortion and what do you think causes it?
I'm still waiting for Kiddmann to explain his comment (on 10/22) about why he thinks Magico has "higher distortion". It's just interesting to me because that is a view/opinion that I don't hear very often. Magicos, whether you like them or not, are usually described as being "analytical", sterile, unemotional etc in part because of the rigid cabinet that does not vibrate like so many other speaker cabinets, especially like the Tannoys which are designed to resonate and contribute to the sound of the speaker.
Hello Jim,

I had always been under the impression that Tannoy, like Audio Note, Spendor and Harbeth, designs its cabinets to resonate, somewhat like instruments. Now that you ask for a reference, however, I can not find any material that supports that assumption.

I did a search and the Tannoy literature clearly states that the design goal is for a rigid, inert cabinet construction, so I am mistaken. It seemed to me that this was a major difference in the designs of Magico and Tannoy. I am wrong.

I did find this review in Stereophile of the Tannoy Churchill speaker which describes a resonating cabinet as contributing to a beautifully natural sound on vocals and some other instruments, particularly in the midrange:

But I don't think this is a design goal on Tannoy's part. Clearly, I am mistaken and apologize for posting a faulty presumption on my part.
Mbovaird, did you happen to listen to your Magico S5, Wilson Alexia and Tannoy Canterbury in the same room/system and do a proper direct comparison, or are your opinions based on a more general feeling having heard them in different settings?

Are you confident that the Magico and Wilsons were fully broken it before you decided to sell them? And finally, could you describe how the three speakers sounded different and what it was about the Tannoy that you ended up preferring over the other two? Thanks.