Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE

Hello, I need some opinion about these 2 speakers. I plan to acquire one of them.
Anyone who owned or tried these speakers please share your experience.

I won't be looking for any other brand.

I will use VAC sigma 160i to drive the westminster
Hegel H30 Stereo to drive the Magico S5.

Thank you.


Showing 21 responses by charles1dad

These two speakers are so vastly different in presentation and character that it's interesting you'd like both.Have you actuality had a chance to hear them? If I had to build a system around one I'd prefer the big Tannoy, it's natural in sound and permits greater amplifier flexibility choice.
These two speakers are so vastly different in presentation and character that it's interesting you'd like both.Have you actuality had a chance to hear them? If I had to build a system around one I'd prefer the big Tannoy, it's natural in sound and permits greater amplifier flexibility choice.
The sentiments of your post was clearly understood and I feel the same.
People are attracted to and impressed by different qualities a speaker has
to offer.Like some others here if limited to just these two, I'd prefer the
Tannoy rather than the Magico.A speaker has to be able to reproduce
music in a believable manner that communicates the emotion and soul .
Speakers that sound sterile, analytical and un involving with emphasis on
hyper detail are unlistenable, at least for me .The Rockport is an excellent
overall speaker based on my encounters.
Kiddman and Gregm,
Well said! These two speakers epitomize those very different philosophical designs and the resulting sound you'll hear.
Hi Mel,
I understand your point about value and agree some threads are more informative and educational than others. I appreciate those but I come to this site primarily to have fun with fellow gon members who share the enjoyment of music and audio components.

Regarding this thread the OP did ask about and was obviously interested in these two very dissimilar speakers.
I agree with David12, I enjoy other`s perspectives and observations on an open forum.These two speakers represent such different designs and sound presentation.I just found it interesting someone would be equally attracted to both.
For instance, do I want a 20 watt tube SET or a 400 watt class D power amplifier, two different worlds.
Well you put your money where your mouth is and had both speakers in your system. There's no better test than that. Congratulations! The opportunity to use low power amplifiers is a major bonus, you'll have much enjoyment. It reveals a whole new world of musical beauty and exploration.
Pointless? I dont agree, the OP raised the question and people simply responded. Based on your criteria most of the discussion threads would be considered pointless. Vinyl vs digital, tubes vs solid state, big speaker vs small monitor etc. We're just a bunch of folks who enjoy discussing audio topics, that's what these forums are here for. Most people on this thread acknowledge that Magico and Tannoy attract very different types of listeners but it's still fun to talk about. Hobbies are like that, just having fun.
Mel of course not, you're as welcome here as me or anyone else. What I was trying to get across is the point that there tends to be a certain degree of redundancy . There are topics that are popular and recurrent and thus generate the familiar repeated dialog and answers. If those are pointless threads then quite a few exist on audiogon or any hobby oriented forum. They just go with the territory and personally that doesn't bother me.
Hi Mel,
One point to consider concerning the numder of a brand's used equipment is the company's size. Tannoy has been around a "long time" and sells many more models than Magico. I'd say there are far more owners of Tannoy and thus they'd be expected to have more used speakers in the marketplace. Magico is a much more recently established company relatively speaking.
My very first post on this thread I said these are vastly different speakers. I was interested in the responses the OP would generate, so I've followed it out of genuine curiosity.
I do not view Kiddman as troll in any sense, he simply does not care for Magico, I understand his perspective. Some listeners love them and some do not care for them,it is really just that simple. You like them and that is your choice(which is perfectly fine) why can`t Kiddman state his? I find his posts to be informative and refreshing.
The components that keep you engaged and compel you to listen for longer periods are the ones to own. Emotional involvement is crucial for prolonged enjoyment. I suspect that the LM 219i SET 845 amplifier would be wonderful with your Tannoys. I'm with you regarding the Magico, no need to bash it. As you said, it does audiophile/hifi well but just lacks emotion, natrualness and musical realism for me . Certainly other listeners find them ideal for their taste and that's fine. I'm glad you've found what works best for you.
Usermanual,if anything he's getting more true music resolution and realism with his SET and Tannoys than his prior Magico S5, he had both in his home and would know.If you're satisfied with your Magico speakers why worry concerning his conclusions anyway? You're both currently happy.
I agree that an open forum allows comments from all who desire to share their opinions, that's a good thing. Why get upset with someone who owned the Magico and found it disappointing? Obviously he finds the Tannoy a better speaker. Some agree with his viewpoint and others won't.Usermanual you seem to take it personal when someone doesn't care for Magico speakers. If they please you it shouldn't matter what other listeners report regarding their experience.
Bill that is the same sense I detect as well, motives questioned because he didn't like the Magico. Seems a bit childish in reality.Why so sensitive regarding the Magico?
Thanks and I much appreciate your very kind comments.
Mel, we're all just guys sharing opinions on a topic of common interest.I'm just as entitled to a viewpoint as you(no more, no less). Tannoy lovefest? Because some listeners here prefer them to the Magico? come on! Anyway I've said what I have to say, there's nothing useful to be gained by continuing to go on and on about this.Would it be a Magico "lovefest" if more comments here happened to agree with you? I don't understand the anger on a thread simply discussing speakers.
Take Care,
The Subaru -Porsche analogy doesn't hold up at all. Audio components are judged by their sound quality to a given listener and nothing else. Brand prestige, cost, snob appeal etc don't matter, listening does.For some listeners a good DIY amplifier would be considered sonically superior to a Vitus or what other amplifier you may wish to compare. Conversely some will prefer the sound presented by the Vitus, just simply listen and what sounds preferable to your ears. That's what I like about audio, the merit is in actually listening, not marketing or creation of a perceived status. Condescending insults towards those who hear differently doesn't change that fact.
People have test driven(heard) the Magico and were not impressed.They don't impress me, but so what, just my opinion. I totally get the point that you and usermanual find the Magico to be your Porsche standard, others simply do not. It doesn't matter, the Magico S5 suits your needs and desires so other's opinions have no bearing on your satisfaction. I say congratulations to you for finding a sucessful speaker for your system. I hope you enjoy them for a very long time. I feel the same toward those who've gone in another direction as well. Tannoy for instance. In truth, just be happy with your choices and ignore the criticism of others.
Your comments and disposition are the epitome of immaturity. You insult anyone who disagrees with your childish defensive behavior and narrow viewpoints.You're right and everyone else with alternative perspective is wrong. The persistent and redundant need to wave the Magico flag is overtly pathetic. People here are mature adults and can accept contrary points of view, that's simply life. People here accept your choice of Magico, yet you can't find it in you to return the same degree of common respect. We're only discussing audio speakers and yes it's absolutely a subjective undertaking(you"listen" and decide). Usermanuel some listeners do find your beloved Magico to be the Subaru(or worse) in your chosen analogy. You seem to have much self esteem invested in this Brand ownership. This fragility is actually glaringly sad. All of this from you over mere speakers?
In a previous post I congratulated you on your ownership of the Magico S5 speaker and wished you many years of enjoying them, I meant every word I wrote. I can easily accept and acknowledge that taste and preferences vary amongst all of us. It's a fact the I find quite understandable, subjective decisions entail numerous factors.

Every brand of an audio component will have admirers (some devout) and detractors, no exceptions, so this includes Magico. This is just how things are, people choose what appeals to them and reject what does not suit their needs. Why is this hard to conceive? This reaction from you and Usermanual is frankly puzzling. If you feel obligated to report me due to an open forum discussion on speakers, do as you must. You coming up with this idea speaks volumes.For the last time, guys, we're only discussing a hobby topic. The emotional response from both of you is confounding.
Take Care,