Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system

Showing 2 responses by fiddler

Audio freak, oops you just lost some credibility when you said BMWs are in the shop half the time. I've owned two of them (currently lease a Jag, it's been great too) and neither of them was ever in the shop one day except for annual scheduled maintenance which was free.

I am sure Magico speakers are great, as are Sonus, but trying to win this speaker argument by trashing BMW as problematic is simply ridiculous.
I don't want to own any car for 10 years. I lease a new car every 2 to 3 years. I could care less how problematic a car may be in 10 years - who keeps a car 10 years?

I don't even keep audio products 10 years. I can't imagine keeping amps, speakers, digital, etc. for more than 3 or 4 years. Time and technology march on.

If your friend is buying BMW's or any car that is 10 years old, he probably needs to get a second job so he can afford something newer!

And BTW, I love my Jag - it has been flawless. Won't have it but about 11 more months. Porsche is next.