Magico Mini 2

I've been listening to the same set up for a 6-7 years now and been fairly happy till recently, when I saw a pair of Magico Mini 2 at a used dealer.  I am of course very curious about these speakers as they were unobtainable back when they were released.

My present system are listed below.  For music, I value musicality, timbre and staging, listening mostly to vocals and small jazz groups. Nothing too loud in a small 12x18 ft listening room

Esoteric K05x with Cybershaft clock
Aurender S10 
Acuphase E450 
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor 
Mixture of Acrolink and Shunyata cables with a Hydra conditioner

My questions are
-  Is the Magico Mini 2 still relevant and one of the best out there?  AT USD12K used, it isn't exactly cheap but certainly a price I can buy into to try the Magico sound.
-  Understand that its a power hungry speakers and I'll likely need to switch my amp as well eventually... are there any intergrates options out there that you can suggests?
- Not all standmounts are the same and while my auditors work well in my smallish room, can anyone advise if this will be a problem?  Changing the room is not an option ;)

Thank you for taking your time to read this and please offer your thoughts and advise, especially former/present Mini 2 owners. 


Showing 4 responses by mapman

Regarding Quads/Electrostats, those were a reference standard sound for me when putting my setup together.

I wanted that sound but with more dynamics to be able to feel the music as well as hear it.

The Magico’s when I heard them around the same time certainly fit the bill.  Just as clean and detailed but with that touch of warmth and better macro-dynamics.
I’ve never heard a shootout between Magico and others like Sonus Faber, but, I suspect there are many less expensive options that would hold their own quite well (including Sonus Faber) and final decision comes down to largely personal preference.

Of course the sound is always key but there are other factors that go into buying decisions. If one covets Magico and is willing to pay more power to them. It is a very good statement-making but pricey product line.

Were it me, and I were looking at Magico Mini’s, I would probably go with Fritz speakers first in that those also offer top notch performance out of a smaller monitor package and are also easy for most any amp to drive and offer excellent value. Hard to find fault.

Joseph Audio is a bit pricier but also good competition I would say.  Those were more neutral and less warm sounding in demos I have heard however.

Of course neither are Magico....

When I heard the Mini 2’s off the VAC tube amp and DCS digital source (also pricey wiring throughout), the sound had a nice but subtle touch of warmth through the mid-range, not unlike good Sonus Fabers when I have heard them.

I use a modest Audio Research sp16 tube pre-amp in my system built around Class D Bel Canto ref1000m monoblocks and that also helps deliver just a subtle touch of similar warmth through the midrange though how much will vary still with speaker used.

Never sounds "tubey" though and neither did the VAC/Magico setup as I recall.   Just clean and detailed with a very subtle touch   of warmth perhaps in the midrange.
I heard Magico mini years ago and have heard many newer models. Can’t imagine they are not still one of the best stand mount monitors around but feeding them with the right high quality gear upstream will always be a pricier than average endeavor. If you are up to the task and can get them for a fair used price, go for it.

I heard them many years ago at Sound By Singer in NYC running off close to 6 digit cost VAC amp and DCS CD upstream and sound was top notch as it well should have been but overall cost of that system was off the charts and beyond any amount I would ever put into a hifi  personally, at least in any house and room I am likely to ever live in.