Magico A5, Wilson SabrinaX, or PS Audio FR30?

Powered by a McIntosh MA12000 in a 14’ (width) x 30’ (depth) x 10.5’ (height) room with concrete floors. Listening is 50% jazz, 10% classical, 25% rock/alt, 15% electronic. Sources are a Dr. Feickert Blackbird/Soundsmith Hyperion analog and Innuos Statement digital.  Ideally, I'd like to eliminate the need for dual subwoofers.

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Showing 1 response by decathlon1991

I would do the Wilson, better sounding. Another great speaker would be the YG Acoustic Carmel II. It will blow the Magico away unless you like your highs screaming at you. If you do, then go with the Magico