Magico A3 vs S3 MKI


I have been a long time lurker and wanted to get some help with a decision. 

For the past 3 months I have been auditioning speakers in the 10k-15 range (both used and new) and have largely decided upon A3. 

Source gear
1. Hegel H360
2. Music played via Tidal

I had gone into A3 Audition as a skeptic and was expecting it to be clinical/ analytical. However I was surprised
1. It felt music and laid back (in a good way). Kind of speaker that I could listen to for hours and not get fatigued
2. Really liked the texture of the bass
3. Vocals made me feel I was right in the room

While I didn’t like some of the R&B music I played through them (eg Amy Winehouse), overall this met more of my needs than 10+ other speakers I have listened to. 

I wanted to check if anyone has had a chance to compare them to S3 MKI. I am getting a barely used S3 for almost the same price. However it might not be possible to do a fully controlled comparison of the two. So I wanted to get views from those who have listened to both. 

At at this stage not trying to broaden the search and simply trying to pick between these two. 
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I should add that with its rose cast color, curved sides and outriggers, I visually prefer S3. So if from a sound quality standpoint they were comparable, I would probably go for s3 
I have never heard either of those two speakers but I would assume they both have the same house sound.  Only you can make that decision.  I do believe the A3 are a lot more money than the S3.  You would have to ask yourself if it is worth the extra money to you.  
@stereo5 you may be mixing A3 with something else. It’s $9800. Original S3 MKI was $22600

Also while Magico sound may have a signature, it has changed over time and become more neutral/ musical. One couldn’t call original Q3s neutral.