Magico A3 vs. Focal Kanta 2

I have around 10k to play with for a new set of speakers. 
My current equipment: MC452 C2600 MCD550 Vienna Acoustics Mozart grand speakers, REL S5. 
My options include  Magico A3,  Focal Kanta 2 or used Sonus Faber Elipsa SE for around 10K.  These choices are based on on aesthetics (approved by wife) and reviews, I have not heard any of them yet.  I am not willing to change my amp/pre. My choice of music is 95% classical (symphony, solo piano, piano concertos) about 5% Jazz. Auditioning speakers would probably not be possible. I need to make a decision based purely on expert recommendation. If there are any other speakers in this price range with similar attributes I may also consider, but I would prefer to pick one from above. Also, would any of the above give a massive improvement in sound reproduction? Is SF Elipsa outdated  when compared to current Focal and Magico?  Thanks. 


Showing 2 responses by ozzy

There is a pair of Bob Carvers Amazing Line Source speakers listed now on the Gon within the price range your interested in.

I listened to a set of the Focal Kanta 2's with some very expensive equipment. They sounded ok until I asked the salesman to play CCR "Green River" from a CD that I brought. 
When the first drum whack hit the little Kanta's 6.5 woofer distorted.
