I disagree with jmeyers.
I have owned A5's for three years, and I also own Wilson Watt/Puppy's, Devore Fidelity 096's, and Joseph Audio Pulsar 2's.
I have good friends who own Magico M3's, TAD Reference, Wilson Audio Alexia V's, and Marten Coltane's. I recently auditioned Rockport Orion's. So I have a fair bit of experience with various high end speakers.
Bottom line: the A5's are excellent and punch above their weight. Are they perfect? No. No speaker is perfect at any cost.
Bass deficiency is more typically a room or set up issue; the A5's go down to the mid 30's in my room.
Yes, the other much more expensive speakers I've listed above can outshine the A5 in a few particular ways, but in no way is the A5 outclassed in this company.
Cost does not equal quality.
Just IMHO.