Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?

I need advice on how best to improve the midrange and base on my Magnapans (1.6qrs)My idea is to relieve the panels of base duty ( only feed the signal above 100 to 150 hertz to the panels and let my Swarm subs take the low end signal). I assume my midrange will improve, and the solid base performance via the sub system will fill in well. I now run a Krell S550i integrated into the Maggies, and the Krell Pre output into the DaytonAudio SA1000 Subwoofer amp.

Any feedback is appreciated - will I lengthen the life of my panels? Am I wasting my time? 


Showing 3 responses by mozartfan

**Littl** Ribbon Speaker in action, 
WOW *Little** yet HUGE on soundstage.
Highs off the charts.
can 't wait to order a  pair.... And yeah I can hear th performance  of these speakers THROUGH my $10 comp speakers.

If they are anything even close to what I imagine I'm hearing,,,I'll be a  happy audiophile camper
This DIYer on Youtube, is the best Hifier on YT.
He knows his stuff and backs up everything he  says with demos.
So here are the DWM's in action, go to 7:30 to hear his ideas on the results.
He also has  another video showing the other bass towers with some sort of electronic xover working with the Magnepans. 
If I find it I'll post it.
My Defy has biwires, so I may run one set to the Little Ribbon Speaker and 1 set to the Seas dual W18's. 
And if needed will add a  Seas Crescendo tweeter,,just won 1 (single) off ebay today at $180, for testing,,, 
Not sure if the Little Ribbon  Speakers need the tweet.

Here I found the YT vid
My tech geek disses this DIYers ideas as *bunk*
I'm  with Hifi Guy
THis guy knows his stuff
I just have to figure out what electronic xover to add and how to add it, as my tech wo't have anything to do with it.
To me it makes alot of sense, cutting some of the lowest hz's off the Magnepan , thereby giving more voice to upper bass/mids and highs.
makes alot of sense.
Not sure how to go about it.