The dealer should replace the speakers immediately.
If you have a problem call the Manufacturer and provide the details of the problem, and fax a sales receipt as proof.
I am sure that the manufacturer will resolve the issue.
Electrostatic speakers are very delicate, and the only safe way to ship them is on a wooden pallet using a reputable trucking company.
I am a Quad dealer, and that is the only way Quads are shipped period!
You may also wish to consider picking the speakers up at the truckers terminal if it is close to your home,thus eliminating extra handling by the trucker.
If you have a problem call the Manufacturer and provide the details of the problem, and fax a sales receipt as proof.
I am sure that the manufacturer will resolve the issue.
Electrostatic speakers are very delicate, and the only safe way to ship them is on a wooden pallet using a reputable trucking company.
I am a Quad dealer, and that is the only way Quads are shipped period!
You may also wish to consider picking the speakers up at the truckers terminal if it is close to your home,thus eliminating extra handling by the trucker.