Maggies damaged in transit questions

Purchased Maggie 3.5s in mint condition on Audiogon from Maggie dealer arriving last friday a week ago. The box was damaged on the outside and noted by the delivery driver and I signed what the delivery person called possible crushing on the delivery invoice. Result, One speaker spit frame about 6 inches down the frame and will not play. The other speaker rattles when played. Both speakers have scratches on them. The speakers must have been dropped.

I emailed the Maggie dealer of the issue immediately and followed up by phone. The store person was very nice mentioning she would do all the processing of the claim.

Yesterday I recieved an email from the store that it could take 3 weeks to recieve the insurance claim. Wanting a photo emailed to her. I do not have a camera and told her they are available for the shipper BAX to see any time.

What more do I need to do?
I am concerned that the timing for filling a claim could run out while I am waiting?


Showing 2 responses by angela100

You need to be talking with the manager and just some store person to get what you need. Be nice, but firm.

Filing the claim is the seller's responsibility and they should ethically reimburse you or send you a new one as a replacment right now. You should NOT be waiting for the claim to be reimbursed to the seller to get your money back.

If it takes them time to get reimbursed, that's the risk in selling anything. You shouldn't bear the brunt of this.
good luck,
Lance, most credit card companies are on line now and you set up an account where you can view your statement real time and not wait. Does your credit card offer buyer protection?