Maggie 3.6 vs. Talon Khorus?

I know what the Khorus sounds like but I am not near a Maggie dealer. Can anyone help me with how the sound on the 3.6 is vs. the Khorus? I think I am going with one of these 2 for a complete 7 pc. HT system so I really need to know which sounds better for HT purposes vs. music as this will be used 65% for HT and 35% for music. Thank you for your input.

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Another suggestion: For my ears, the VMPS RM-40 is the ideal "compromise" without compromise between these two speakers. The RM-40's ribbons have midrange and top end clarity that surpass both the Maggie 3.6 and the Khorus at only slightly more money than the Maggie. Neither speaker can compete with the 40's bottom end with two 10" and a 10" passive tunable radiator. The RM-40 is also not as difficult to drive as the Maggie and is more sensitive -- about 91 db/1watt/1 m, I believe. The Khorus have nothing sound wise over the RM-40, but are physically smaller and look cool in their pyramid shape. The Maggies offer a imaging and wall of sound unique unto themselves and similar to full range elecrostatics. Weigh your options carefully.