Maggie 1.6 vs Von Schweikert VR 4

Currently running 1.6s w/out sub. Just curious, What would I be losing/gaining by switching to VS? I have my own opinions, but haven't heard a pair of VSs. I have just heard wonderful things about them. I love rock and roll, jazz, and vocals. Obviously, I am a Maggie fan, but I am missing the low bass on the 1.6s. Maybe a sub is the better option? I currently run:
Bryston 4BSST
DeHavilland Ultra Verve w/upgraded caps
Shanling CDT 100 w/ upgraded tubes - JPS digital ac
All remaining cords are Audience Au24s - Richard Gray
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Showing 1 response by glenfihi

The Maggies are very hard to beat, regardless of the cost. If you find a sub that will integrate with them you will come out ahead, you will have it made, at least in terms of cost perhaps. In my case I was all set to go with the Maggies 1.6, but then came across the VRjrs. They seemed to match the sense of air and sparkle and detail of the Maggies which I loved but could handle the low end better without the need for a sub. And could be driven with less power, in my system, a integrated 55 watt tube amp. The Vr's seemed a little more room friendly which may be a factor to consider as well.