Maggie 1.6's and Power. How much is enough?

I have a great offer on a pr. of Maggie 1.6's but only have a Marantz SR 19 receiver ( 120watts x 5). Is this going to be way to small for these speakers. It will be for H/T in a smaller room. Thanks for any Idea's!!

Showing 1 response by kgb540

Your power will be slightly lacking for demanding HT and music listening. tireguy is correct about the center channel. you'll need to do a fair amount of channel level setting to get an acceptable blend up front. There are Maggie centers but the are fairly large and quite power hungry too. I you do decide to upgrade to another power amp, for minimal cash, try to find an Acurus 200X3 for the front. That amp (as well as other Acurus amps) can handle difficult speakers like the Maggies very well. For the money, they CANNOT be beat. And there resale is excellent if you don't like their sound. good luck!!!!:)