Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.


Showing 2 responses by tomcarr

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Mine is I prefer to buy audio gear that appeals to me, regardless of country of manufacture.

To each his own.

@bigtwin  And for all the China haters out there, I suppose the irony is lost on those who typed out the messge on their I-Phone  🤣