Made In China

There seems to be a lot of varying opinion when it comes to China and the products that are made there. I personally know of an audio store in my home town that made the decision to no longer carry products with manufacturing ties in China. Maybe that’s why they have such a limited show room? Recently, I purchased a Cayin RU2 portable DAC and headphone dongle that‘s made in China. It’s the only audio product that I own that’s solely manufactured by a Chinese company and so far I have no complaints. Of course, my Apple products were likely made in China and I like those a lot. And if I’m correct (and I’m likely incorrect), Denafrips and Schiit Audio products are assembled in China but I’m uncertain where those companies are located. So I’m just wondering about audio products from Asia that offer high end build and sound quality. I would assume that most products from China, Korea, Japan, etc… offer a high value for the dollar? Anyway, please feel free to share your opinion and knowledge on this topic as I’m wanting to learn more about what‘s out made and engineered in that part of the world.



Showing 2 responses by laoman

Opera Consonance and Music AM make outstanding amplifiers.


I tend to avoid products made in America as I am strongly against the foreign policy pursued by that country over the years and its interference in foreign regimes. As you posted, "It comes down to common decency.".

I am also boycotting anything made in Israel until that country sees a regime change,

anotherbob: "The U.S. promotes freedom and democracy around the world".

Wow there is a bit of historical revisionism going on there. Whenever I travel to Xieng Khouan and see many limbless kids and adults because they picked up anti personnel weapons dropped by the US - more bombing per head of population than during the whole of WW2 I will think of that comment Bob.
Further adventures have included Cambodia, Cuba, Congo, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Indonesia, Argentina and more recently Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and supporting a government that is currently committing genocide against the Palestinians.