Brian, I did go and listen to a pair of 802d and with the set up in the shop I preferred my old 801. It wasn't fair to the 802d as the turntable set up and preamp was rudimentary to say the least and even when listening to a CD it wasn't up to the old 801s playing vinyl. Interestingly the dealer did not offer to let me audition the 802ds at home. I thing the improvement would have been marginal if any.
However in chatting, the dealer recommended trying the 2ohm connection on the mc352 to the 801s. I did this on return home and I must confess, I also installed 2 Mallard tubes in my Jolida phono amp. I could not believe the result. I'm in awe. I have never heard such bass, clarity definition and translucency. I feel I have a new pair of speakers without forking out $12,000.00.
Thanks again as you set me on the right track.