Mac 402 vs 6900

Has anyone compared those two? Is 402 faster and gives more slam then MA 6900 integrated? I have 6900 powering Thiels 2.3 and I wish it could be more snappy and crystaline. The bass does not kick so much also.

Showing 1 response by lrsky

The MAC will be a little slower in the bass region than what we typically hear in solid state. McIntosh is sweeter and smoother in other areas, but seems a little slower. MAC rates their gear into four ohms too which can give one an incorrect assumption as to the overall power, since most amps are rated into 8ohms. Speakers are reactive rather than resistive though, so matching of Speakers and amps are critical. Overall, how do you like the sound? Other than the "kick" in the bass are you pleased? Also, room placement etc all plays into this. I worked for THIEL and attended McMasters Training, so I know these products, so if I can help, you can privately email me
Good listening,
Larry R. Staples