M Levinson 36s vs 360s vs Audio Aero Prima Dac...

I have a MLevinson 37 transport and a MLevinson 36s DAC.Looking to replace the 36s with a 360s or Audio Aero Prima DAC....
Using a Madrigal MBC1 AES/EBU between the transport and DAC.Rest of the system,Pathos Logos int amp,Aud Au 24 sp cable and Merlin VSM-MM speakers.
I thank you for your opinions

Showing 1 response by moemoney

I have the 37/360s combo and I just replaced my digital cable which was Transparent Reference Digital Link with Madrigal MBC1 AES/EBU and I like the Madrigal better. It seams as if the soundstage goes deeper and the overall sound is improved. In fact, I changed all my cable to Madrigal and I am not looking back. I guest what I am trying to say is move up to the 360s and I believe you will be happy.