M-Audio Audiophile problem

I've got a Audio Research Ph-3 phono preamp and an Ayre K-1xe preamp. Both the Ph-3 direct and the Ayre via the tape out circuits have too much output for the M-Audio's input stage. I've turned the analoge input all the way down (actually off) and the VU bars show the volume close to or exceeding "pegged". Neither preamps have any output gain control. Short of building a resistor bridge or using the Ayre's volume controled output to cut the input down before it goes into the M-Audio Firewire is there anything I can do? One the quite passages in the music it system sounds great.

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

Please explain how your system is set up. I'm not sure that the M-audio card is designed to handle a pre-amplified input.