LZ Reissues - HD digital or LP?

Which to buy for better sound - the new LP reissues or the HD downloads?

Any user comments?

Showing 3 responses by ctsooner

Have you ever listened on a very high end system? It always depends on the quality of your gear, but vinyl will blow away digital when you set it up properly and clean your albums. Why not both? That's what Richard Vandersteen recommends. Just go through the vinyl ritual on special occasions when you want o really listen.
Great. Have you heard it on the same system vs the vinyl pressings? That would blow you away I bet.
I realized how much I loved vinyl recently and got a new table, phono, cart yesterday. I don't have many digital to vinyl records as I never liked them as much and on the table I'm selling I could still tell the difference. It all depends on your hearing and how good your system is I think.