Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery

Showing 1 response by jfrech

interesting thread and a little surprising on the tone to me.

I can personally say the lyra team is top notch. I've owned 4 of their cartridges over the last 12 years. Each one of them special and killer great sound (Lydian b, Helicon and 2 Skala's).

I suspect the original poster will love his Dorian. And I bet he'll like the Delos more. Then of course he'll like a Kleos, Skala or Titan i that much more to!

Theo, good question, I wondered that to :), mostly curiosity.

At some point we all have to make a buying decision and money plays into it.

Montgomery, I'd give that Dorian a may be completely enthralled by it. This audiophile "next best thing" is a madness we all have to deal with. Out of curiosity, what cartridge are you coming from to the Lyras?

Best of luck to everyone.