Lyra Atlas experiences

A few years ago, I invested in a Lyra Atlas cartridge / pickup. I have moved up, from Lyra Clavis in the early 2000s and Lyra Titan i later. The Atlas was expensive, but I have not looked back. Yet I wonder, can something more be done, to optimize the Atlas, in my system, and others. How can this remarkable pickup run its best. What are the best phono preamp and system matches. Should the system be rearranged. Have anyone done mods or DIYs to their systems to get the "reception" right? What happened? Comments welcome. You dont need to own a Lyra Atlas but you should have heard it, to join this discussion. Comments from the folks at Lyra are extra welcome - what is your experience.
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Showing 6 responses by dwette

I took delivery of a Lyra Atlas Lambda SL about a week ago. I have about 35 hrs on it now (I can’t be dragged away from it….LOL). I waited five months from the time I ordered.

I am using this with a Clearaudio Ovation and Universal arm, with a Naim Superline/SupercapDR phonostage into a Naim 252/SCDR/300DR with Dynaudio Confidence C2 Platinum speakers and a pair of REL S/510. 

At the moment I am tracking it at 1.65 gr, and I have been tossing back and forth between 453Ω and 470Ω for loading. I think anything much less than 453 will be dull and 500+ might be too lively (560 has been recommended to try). I mostly listen to jazz and classical and I tend to like 470Ω better so far for most jazz, but some classical sound better at 453Ω. I think the latter because some classical (especially late-70s and later DGs) were mastered too bright. Karajan’s awful influence maybe. 

I’ll think I’ll start adjusting VTF a little and see what that does, but at the moment I can live with it all the way it is. 

This cartridge is truly delicious and very special. I was using a Dynavector XV-1s before. The Lyra has everything good it had but takes everything to a new level of nirvana. What an amazing accomplishment.

@mijostyn Thanks for the suggestions, but they have all been addressed. I have already adjusted azimuth, using an acrylic gauge and confirmed with my Fozgometer (which should always be run with a fresh battery for accurate results). Lyra suggests setting loading by listening with ear: they don’t specify a value for it, because that varies with tonearm cable and phonostage used. In any case, my Naim Superline phonostage is quite up to the task of what this catridge has to offer.

My turntable is on an isoAcoustics Delos, and I use both an HRS 850gr clamp and Clearaudio’s 1500 gr outer limit ring.

I’ve got it all covered, thanks. I’ve been around the block a few times. :)

@pindac Thank you. Trust me, the grin is very much ear to ear at the moment. I am closing in on 50 hrs. and I think it has already opened up and shown what it is capable of. That jives with what a friend who knows this cartridge (non-SL) and the mono version tells me (he uses both to evaluate test pressings professionally).

Interestingly, I also upgraded my subs from a pair of REL R-328 to a pair of S/510 earlier this month, and as they break in more I am enjoying the music that much more.


Thank you for your feedback, You might want to read up on my turntable a bit more before getting too critical of how I use it. I might look dumb but I do kind of know what I’m doing. LOL

You are wrong about the risk of bearing wear regarding this TT and how I use it. The Clearaudio Ovation has a ceramic-magnetic bearing, and is designed to accommodate the weight of the clamp and outer ring with no consequence on wear, because the platter floats magnetically on the bearing spindle, making no contact at all from the top. It would take far more force to make the platter bottom out on the top of the ceramic bearing than the 2350 gr I am adding. In fact, Clearaudio makes a clamp of about the same mass, and the outer limit ring I use is theirs, and approved for use with my turntable. My use case is all within their design spec.

I am aware of reflex clamps and vacuum clamping, but I am good to go with what I have. I’ve used it that way happily for years. The clamp and ring I have do an excellent job keeping my records flat and coupled to the POM platter. I see no reason to make any changes in that regard.

@mijostyn Thanks for the suggestions, but I’ll pass on trying a different clamp. I’ve used what I have for years and it suites me well enough. It doesn’t have to be 100% effective or the best solution. 

@lewm yes, I am hearing differences. The 453Ω load doesn’t have the dynamics and treble extension of the 470Ω. I’ve actually abandoned the 453Ω load and am comparing 470Ω and 500Ω now. For sure, they are very close. For jazz and rock close enough to be a toss up. However, on classical there are differences in midrange texture, dynamics and treble extension. 470Ω is a bit warmer, and I might like that better for classical, but 500Ω is a tad more dynamic, and has slightly better ability to resolve inner details. In the end I’ll go with I like better for classical music.

I have a Naim Superline phono stage with the optional Supercap DR PSU and HiLine DIN IC cable.

The reason I care about evaluating this is that once I have landed on the resistive value I like, Chris West at AV Options will build me a custom loading plug, based on a Naim Airplug with cryo’d z-foil resistors. It’s rather expensive so I want to get the resistive value right, as changing it after the fact isn’t cheap either.