Lyngdorf 3400 using external amp

For an experiment I went balanced out of the Lyngdorf to my Krell KSA 200s to power my speakers. I also have 2 subs hooked up via rca outputs. When getting into the Lyngdorf menus to set everything up it appears I cannot do a high pass crossover to the speakers and low pass to the subs. Seems the crossover is applied to all analog outputs the same. I could run the mains full range and then set the crossovers individually on the subs but would prefer not doing so. Am I at the end of the road or am I missing something? 

thanks all. 


Honestly, I’d just contact Lyngdorf on this one and cut out the middleman (aka, us).  They’ll probably answer your question completely and definitively in a few sentences. 


I know this thread is old, but just in case you never did contact Lyngdorf directly, I can tell you that in 2023 I did so for the exact same reason you started this thread.

You missed nothing and were/are at the end of the road.  Haha.

I’m wondering if you disconnected your subs to compare the 3400 alone v 3400 + outboard amp on your main speakers.  The outboard amp would have to be so much better that it overcomes the disadvantage of losing the short signal paths and the fully-digital nature of the 3400.

I tried it repeatedly over a years time and ultimately concluded the 3400 alone was much better.   Of course with the sub integration via the app factored in, forget it.