Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by brianmgrarcom

Hgeifman, if you found the Luxman 550 to be a great match with your speakers and CDP, no need to second guess yourself. Unless one has hard to drive speakers, 20 watts is more than enough. Furthermore, the Luxman integrated amps are excellent amps.

Here are some thoughts from a review of the 590ax from audiorom:

The market price of the L-590AX extends to €8,500. I do not think it is too much as a future owner will get a state of the art integrated amplifier with no reason to change it in next few years. He or she will have no choice anyway as there are no serious contenders. Adding extra €2,000 will buy you the Accuphase E-560, however, apart from its slightly deeper bottom end, you will not get much more. I should also add that the L-590AX includes a very good MM/MC phono preamplifier so one can save substantial money having such a all-in-one solution. If you still want to boost your listening experience you would have to invest into separate Class-A components (a preamplifier and a power amp) – indeed, it is a way, but not in this price segment.
I have a Luxman 590ax in house for a demo right now. It goes back tomorrow... I like what it does, so naturally I am very curious about what one might gain or loose with Accuphase.
...chasing your tail. If you "like what the Luxman does" in your system then go for it.
Here is the problem jriggy, you are asking for opinions from people online, which is fine in of itself, that is part of the purpose of these forums, but you have heard the Luxman in your system and state you like it. Is it possible you may like the Accuphase better, sure, but it is a gamble based on some comments. On the other hand you have a sure thing. Another sure thing, there is always something better.