Luxman tonality

I’ve seen many members describing the Luxman 509x and the m duo as warm thus colored. I’ve had these units and have never thought of them as bright or dark(warm). They are superbly neutral to me neither adding or subtracting. I find them to be very musical. A prospective buyer might pass on Luxman thinking that they won’t match up with many speakers. Of course they will. Neutral is neutral. It’s what we should want.


Showing 6 responses by builder3

Neutral? Maybe. Sterile? Hell, no. The thing that always impresses me is the detail, across the board, along with what I believe is very good bass control. And to be clear, I'm talking about the L-590AX. All of you have had more gear than me, I'm sure, so judge my opinion accordingly.
Gotta disagree on the 'euphonic' thing, miller. "agreeable in sound" is just a throwaway, it couldn't be a more vague or inept description. I think far too many manufacturers of audio gear are tweaking it with this in mind, pushing the mids forward, etc, and well, 'adding audio crud to the system'. Perhaps not truly crud, but they're altering the sound, rather than shooting for an accurate reproduction of it. Perhaps because their gear isn't up to that task.
millercarbon8,246 posts03-21-2021 10:27pmIt is not me you disagree with, it is literally the definition. That's why I say don't take my word for it, look it up. Your disagreement then is with reality. I know nowadays we each are supposed to be able to have our own reality. Good luck with that. Me, I'll stick with the actual, you know, reality.

I don't have a problem with definitions, I'm kind of a stickler there. I think I probably just got turned around one too many times between your post, and the one you were originally replying to. Also I don't really disagree with that whole 'reality' thing, not sure why you'd say such a thing.
You have a lot of good stuff that you post, but people don't even bother to read a lot of it because of the condescending demeanor that comes along with it. It doesn't help, there's no positive component to it, at least for anyone here. If there is for you, perhaps some self-contemplation is in order.
Lets sum up - I did disagree with you, although I may have misunderstood what you were saying. It's a possibility. I don't disagree with the definition of 'euphonic', nor do I need to look it up. I understand words have meanings. I'm a fan of that.
I don't disagree with 'reality', I'm all for it. Nor do I have 'my own reality'. For anyone with an IQ above room temperature, the concept is absurd.
You make a lot of assumptions, considering how smart you constantly claim to be.
No. You can have a big head, provided you have a) a smaller mouth, or b) a better filter. Or, I guess c) are okay with fewer friends. 
Being a jackass isn't all bad, but it will only get you so far. I'm speaking from personal experience. Take care.