Luxman M-600A

I am thinking of switching to this amplifier. Anyone share any experiences? I have a Pass XA30.5 now. Also, where to possibly hear one or get one? Thanks

Showing 2 responses by audiofeil

I sell both brands and the Luxman is not "miles better in every sonic character" as faxer claims.

He just needs a little more experience to learn this.

Dealer disclaimer
>>04-03-10: Faxer
On a very revealing speaker. The differences are more apparent<<

Differences are differences; it doesn't mean "miles better in every sonic character" as you stated. So you are wrong here.

>>The Luxman sounds more organic than the Pass, the Pass has a warm sound as well but at the expense of a distinct sonic character<<

In your opinion. You're only one inexperienced listener.

>>Luxman does not use off the shelf Plitron transformers. They use an in house hand wound transformer which is actually bolted to the mains using a pure copper bus bar.<<

Another difference that does not necessarily make it better.

You really need to bone up on some listening and stop typing.