Luxman LX-380 for LS3/5a's? Alternative?

Hopefully there is somebody in the group who can give an answer to which Luxman amplifier is 'the best' match for my Rogers LS3/5a's? These are the current production Classic ones, 15 Ω.

The LX-380 has 4 6L6 output tubes in push-pull, and this could be a great match. The Rogers E20a(II), designed with the LS3/5a in mind, has the same tube configuration.

Now, having said that, I am not into tubes as if it is a religion. At the moment I use a Sugden A21se Signature, that drives the speakers very well. 

The thing is, that the current Luxman lineup has too many awesome amplifiers. So I am also looking at the L-590AX-II and the CL-38uC/MQ88uC. These are all too awesome..

But I keep coming back to the 'simple' LX-380..

I am very interested in your real life opinions.


Showing 1 response by arcangles

It looks like you have made up your mind here on sticking with the LX-380. I came across your forum in considering luxman tubes with  falcon kit ls3/5a variation, 15ohm impedance. For what its worth, I have been using my L550axII (20 watt rated, but measured in one hifi magazine as clipping at near 70watts) pure class A. Based on my use of the 550 with three speakers (Original Cornwalls, ProAc Response D2, and these falcons), the description offered above (They can drive speakers with authority. The overall signature is balanced with articulate midrange and treble. Bass frequencies are tight and resolving) is dead on. 


With the original cornwalls, which are quite warm on balance with rolled off top end, the 550 is excellent and could blow the windows out with volume. With the Proac Response D2, which I find to be warm on balance but with a slightly hot top end, the combo sounds wonderful and refined, but somewhat warm and dry. Good recordings sound great, bad recordings sound bad. With the Falcons which are bright on balance (too much treble energy IMO, but exciting), the 550 accentuates dryness and graininess in bad recordings, which is most of them. It could use some taming/smoothing out.


So I am curious how you ended up liking the 380 with the ls3/5a?