Luxman L590AX vs.590AXii

I am in the position of being able to buy either the 590AX or the 590AXii. The AXii is 2x the cost of the AX. I listened to the AX through Focal Kanta No2 speakers, which I own, and was thoroughly impressed. My question is this: what improvements did Luxman do to the AXii  relative to the AX that might justify spending 2x the cash on it?

The AX I listened to was manufactured in 2015 and is in pristine condition.



Showing 7 responses by re-lar-kvothe

@ryder - I did read this same response from you in another thread. Thanks for also posting here

@builder3 - This is the info I was looking for. It appears the primary differences are the 8 vs 4 caps and output boards and PS. The attenuator and ODNF circuit also are upgraded. I may want to spend the extra cash for the 590XAll. - Thanks


@erik_squires  @mesch 

I ordered a pair of Tekton DIs to run with my FirstWatt F6. The F6 did a decent job with my Focal Kanta No.2 speakers. I am confident the 590AXll will run the Focals very well. I was concerned about the 590AX. Perhaps my concenr is warranted. My intent is to replace the amps in my primary system, which currently consists of Rogue M-180s and the Focals. The Fritz speakers look very interesting. They certainly will be on my list of speakers to buy next.

Just an FYI...

The 590AX was manufactured in 2015 and will cost $3,750, shipping included, while the 2020 590AXll will cost $7,000 plus shipping.

So, I found an L-590AXll on this site for $5200. Only caveat is I will need a step down transformer. Now I am on the hunt for one worthy of this Luxman.

Thanks and Merry Christmas to all that input their ideas and opinions.

Or Happy Holidays if you prefer.


An L-590AXll recently sold for less than $7K on USAM. There is an L-550AXll available now on the same site for $5400. Reverb has an L-550AX 120v US version for $3000. Ebay has all versions available from $3K but are shipped from Japan. If you have patience, I am sure one will pop up for sale again here in the US.

I went another route and bought a Pass Labs XA-25. Now I am looking to sell my FirstWatt F6


I went with the XA-25 because I already have a history the FirstWatt F6 and I got to listen to the Pass on a set up similar to mine. Price was also a factor as was availability. For speakers I have used Focal Kanta No.2s, Moth Audio Cicadas, Zu Audio Soul MKlls, and my tried and trusty Mirage M760s. All sound great. The Focals are obviously in a league of their own however, and I know this will be difficult for some to agree or understand, but the Mirage absolutely love the XA-25 (and the F6 for that matter). I bought the Mirage in 1986 and used them with a variety of new/vintage amps over the years. Never did they sound mismatched with any of the amps. I have owned Spendors and Harbeths paired with a McIntosh MA-5200 as well. None have impressed me as much as the Mirage. Once I found the sweet spot for them I decided to sell the Focals and am in process of selling the Souls. I am going to keep the Cicadas for my low WPC tube amps.