Luxman Integrated Amplifiers

Looking at purchasing a Luxman integrated amplifier. It’s hard to find anything on their warranty and where to call if there are any issues covered under their warranty.  Any idea where to look for their warranty policy?
I heard that 10w integrated driving a pair of Klipsch Forte and they sounded great....  that is one fine amplifier.   

Luxman America, Inc. Warranty and Service Disclaimer

The Luxman America, Inc. limited warranty is not world-wide, but is applicable only to the United States and Canada (North America) in which the Luxman™ product was purchased, and to the original first purchaser.

Luxman Corp. (Japan) products are manufactured to each individual country’s electrical specifications and voltage. Luxman America, Inc. does not authorize or perform voltage conversions of any Luxman products.

Luxman America, Inc. accepts no service or warranty responsibility for Luxman products used or sold outside of the country for which the product was produced. (i.e. use of 100VAC or 220VAC products in the 115VAC product region) And this includes Luxman products used with outboard transformers to step-up/ down the incoming AC voltage.

Luxman “Vintage Products Service” Disclaimer

Generally, Luxman America, Inc. is able to offer end-user assistance obtaining Luxman product service with a ten-year look back. (after original sale-date) Luxman (Japan) products produced for North American sale and use from 2010 or more recent qualify. Luxman America, Inc. is not able to perform service or factory refurbishment of long obsolete Luxman products produced in the 1980’s or earlier. (per modern product safety and liability guidelines) Otherwise, Luxman America, Inc. recommends contact with local “vintage electronics servicers” for further assistance.
Send an e-mail to the distributor. If you are not in North America you can find your distributor on the Luxman website