Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone?

Just curious if anyone has heard the new Luxman DA-06 Dac? It was supposed to be released in May. I was thinking of getting the D-06 cdp just to get the digital input but all I really need is a Dac.

I got this answer from Hi-Rez about the DSD tracks popping transient noise before certain tracks play. Do you think it is the Luxman software? I know you had similar issues with one of their downloads.

We have thoroughly tested the Holly Cole and David Elias DSD files and cannot duplicate the pop/transient that you mention. We have had some other reports of various DSD files having transients upon playback from some of our other customers using the Luxman DA-06 DAC although the files have all tested out ok. We are aware that DSD playback is a brand new upgrade that was just made available to the DA-06. We highly recommend that you contact Luxman to report this issue as it appears to be the DAC at fault. They may need to research and push out a new firmware upgrade to resolve the issue. Additionally you may want to check with Aurender regarding DSD output from this unit. Looking at their webpage they only mention support for DSD playback over USB.
After hearing from the Hi-Rez people that their files tested ok, I took the Aurender server out of the system and put my MacBook Pro in running Audirvana. All of the files and tracks that were problems with transient noises are good, no noise, running the DA-06 with the computer. My problem is with the either the compatibility of the Aurender and the DA-06 or the DSD software on the Aurender. I'm in touch with a guy from Aurender in S. Korea and will see if you can remotely reload the software. I'll let you know what happens.
So if anyone is interested, we figured out what's up with the popping. It's the USB handshake between the Aurender and the Luxman. The Aurender streams DSD with AES, COAX, and USB but apparently the USB handshake isn't what it should be yet. Aurender just released its DSD upgrade about a week ago, so it's brand new, and it does stream DSD wirelessly from my Mac. The SW engineers at Aurender are building a beta fix. From reading the boards, the people running JRiver on computers (and other SW but not Audivarna) are having or had similar problems. JRiver, according to posts on the boards, has a SW fix.
It seems to be a possible Luxman problem a firmware patch may be in order.please all Luxman owners let Phillip the distributor know so we can resolve this issue thank you.
Aurender released a software upgrade to take care of the USB handshake. My DSD files that used to have transient noise at the beginning no longer do. It seems clear that it was a USB software issue with the server and not the Luxman. Aurender software engineers figured it out. Thanks to the Hi-Rez people and the Aurender folks for helping solve this problem. I have decided though to return the Luxman and spring for an MSB Analogue DAC with the upgraded power base. The MSB plays DSD files through AES as well as through USB. The MSB upgrades software easily as well. I still have no idea how the Luxman upgrades its software.