Luxman 171A turntable

I am not as versed as so many are and I need a little help. I have a Luxman PD171A turntable. I am running it through a McIntosh C2600 Preamp, then to a pair or McIntosh 901's to a set of il Cremonese II loudspeakers. 

Problem. The turntable has about half the volume of my music streamer. I am wondering if I need a phono preamp. Does anyone know if the Luxman has a built in phono preamp? I cannot find that in its specs nor can I determine if the C2600 has one built in.

Maybe its not a matter of phono pre amp... If anyone has a suggestion or comment please let me know.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrknott
I have the same TT. I have it hooked up to my Luxman CL38U SE. It has a built in three tube phono stage w/four SUT's. No problem w/low volume. I'm using a Dynavector Karat 17 DX cart. All Luxman integrated have MM/MC phono stages.
He doesn't have a Luxman integrated. His TT is plugged into a McIntosh C2600 Pre-amp, which has inputs for MM or MC cartridges.
Thanks for the information and advise. I have a Luxman EQ500 on the way. Will run the Luxman PD171 through it. We think the phono stage on the C2600 is just inadequate.