Lumin Hifi Rose or Aurender

I am looking for a new streamer (with no dac) and streamer with a dac and would prefer to stay with one brand.  Have it narrowed down to Lumin, Hifi Rose or Aurender.  I need spotify connect and access to tidal.

I will spend in the 4 to 6K for the Steamer and 3-5K for the streamer Dac

I have a Berkeley alpha dac 3 that the streamer will feed in system one which is a higher end system mcintosh C22 into a MC462 with Harbeth 40.3 XD speakers.

The streamer dac is for a second system which is more middle of the road.  Mcintosh MA6500 with Totem Forest Signature speakers.

I do streaming only and don't have no need for drive storage.

Love to here your thoughts 

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Showing 1 response by desalvo55

I find the Rose 130 to be a remarkable piece of kit. And this is spite of having my 1st one refusing to 'boot' after 2 weeks of ownership. So, a bad beginning.

I learned something about dedicated streamers. You see, I have 2 systems, which is nuts in this hobby, but "it is what it is" as my wife would say, the second system was, after all, her idea. Let me explain. I won't go into the nuts and bolts, to many to talk about regarding this streamer. 

I have 2 DAC's, an Allnic D10000, and the Wavelet II which operates the Legacy Audio Aries speakers. Generally speaking, I don't like DAC's. I 'hear' them. The Holo May KTE was good, technically, but it still had that DAC sound to me. The Lindemann Musicbook DSD was very good and I enjoyed its music for a long time. I auditioned the Allnic and out went the Holo May. Music flows with a soul with the Allnic. Expensive yes. This is a tough hobby. My plan was to place the Allnic in front of the Wavelet as the Wavelet had that 'I'm a DAC' signature, a sacrafice given to all the other capabilities of the Wavelet. 

Along came a Rose. What the Rose did was remove the Allnic DAC from the Wavelet II. The Rose upgraded the Wavelet DAC/processor to where both my wife and I are very satisfied with what we are hearing from the Aries speakers. Furthermore, my audiophile wife can operate the Rose, loves the interface and is very happy with what she hears, and she's picky as hell...

The performance too, simply upgrades everything in front of it. We are buying a second one for our second (upstairs) system to stream to the Allnic D10000, which we noted, was magic. The Usher Grand Towers (upstairs) will perform music in a grand way, no doubt. 

I'll post a review when I further investigate its nuances. I have listened to Lumin and Aurilac, but cannot compare as that was a number of years ago and I had chosen Lindemann over the former.