Lumin d3 vs hifi rose 130

Looking for a streamer. Has anyone compared the Lumin d3 vs the hifi Rose 130. How much better is one over the other. 


I currently have the Cambridge cvn v2 , I was wondering if changing to any of the other streamer if the music would have more sound stage or more warmness compare to Cambridge and if it would be a big improve. 

I too started with the CVN V2....the jump in everything when i moved on to the to the Lumin P1 was substantial and true to what i was told it would be but then also equally impressive was going from the Lumin P1 to the Rose 130 (fiber in) to the MMT. 

Your CVN v2 will never be missed or thought of again if you move up the food chain.

I had a Cambridge CXN100 and exchanged it for an Aurender a1000. The CXN is supposed to be slightly better than the CVN v2. To my ears, the CXN100 is better than the Eversolo A6 I had before it, but the Aurender is quite a step up from the CXN. In the 1k price range, I'd definitely go for the CXN. If you are ok spending the money to go to a Lumin or Aurender, yes, I think you will hear a difference, but it won't be enormous. Think 10-15% better.