Lumin Ap on Lumin players - not so good?

Anyone use Luman ap??

got a new luman device and find the Lumin ap as being difficult to work with.  Playlists seems to require lots of management vs Roon, Qobuz.  Also hard to figure ap out.  Seems very awkward to use.

design of ap doesnt seem to be very good.  Guidance is limited.  Very disappointed.


Showing 13 responses by jumia

Omg,  whats the point if playlists dont work.  Creating new playlists all the time.  What a MESS!  

Lumin ap is worthless. 

the core is where the roon operating software sits. It can be on your computer or a nucleus or a server.


You need to connect the app to the core via ethernet or wireless.

As an example, An iPad would be an endpoint.

I looked at lumin  manual, i’ll chk website.  I wanna be happy with lumin ap.

Lumin manual cant be downloaded, how strange is this?  Maybe there is a way, i m not too bright.  Mom dropped me on my head when young, my guess.
Can playlists from roon, qobuz be imported to lumin?  
I see qobuz/roon playlists on right side of lumin ap but it seems fixated on going back and playing only songs listed in left column after i play a song within lumin, from right side from a qobuz list.

i have to manually and individually set up new playlists in lumin ap?
I too am a Roon lifer using qobuz. 
But when i use Lumin app and initially saw my qobuz playlists on right side in all their glory i was happy.

and then i played first song from qobuz playlist within the lumin ap, sounded real good, and when it was over it skipped over into a lumin song list on the left side.  I couldnt get ap to continue to play from a selected qobuz playlist displayed in lumin ap that showed all the songs listed out.  I tried and tried but i am dumb.  It was so cruel to have it work this way.  
Thanks, great detailed comment, very helpful

so it appears songs must flow thru list in leftmost panel. And any playlist detail seen on right side can not be played - although one song at a time can be played. And to get each list detailed on right side from qobuz into lumin, it requires manual effort one list at a time.  Ap Sounds great but design is very poor.

further seems i cant play albums from qobuz, only one song at a time.

To me this is sooooooooo screwed up.

No seems u have to select songs one at a time.  Will not play fullalbum


The above comment says to read the manual to use the lumin app. No way, you should not need to read and learn a manual to use an app. The app is terribly awful and less than intuitive. Lumin designers fell far short designing this app.

t2 is very nice but the app Interface sucks. The app may be a hell of a lot better than roon, but it sucks. I used it a month or two ago and now I’m too stupid to remember all the intricacies how works now.

Lumin needs to make some cosmetic changes to the interface to make it easier to use. What is wrong with these people. Sure they can use it no problem, but it’s an awful awful learning curve and then it’s awkward to use.


The lumen app it's something that can be useful but it does require lots of effort to learn it.  The problem is if you stay away from it for a few weeks or so and don't use it very much you have to learn it again.

It is an extremely difficult app to master.  It is horrible horrible horrible.

It's very sad because the underlying engine is seemingly very good.  And it's pretty to look at.

But ease of use is negative infinity.

App needs to be more intuitive. Descriptive words need to be added somewhere on the app screen.

It's not a teaching moment every time I use it.

Maybe if they offered courses at a community college.

It's really sad, such a great Engine with a nice appearance and so difficult to drive.

It's clear to me that one of these interfaces are designed they don't take into account the user.

The companies hire an outside firm to design the interface and that is presented and a big conference room setting it looks really great.  But then as people start to use it it's not all that great but they have to live with it.

It's a shame users don't get more involved with a usability of these interfaces. Who the heck designed lumin Interface?? I mean just tweak it a little bit to make it so much better.  One guy sitting in the back office somewhere is creating an interface and everybody have to live with whatever this guy did.  And this guy probably doesn't really use the app.  And what does he care

Oh my God just get roon. 

Functionality is far superior.  Spotify was kind of nice to but they don't have quality recordings to listen to.  Which is really sad because they have really super playlists.

I have been using roon for quite a while and I don't have to be jerked round by some incredibly convoluted interface.

There are challenges with the roon Interface.  But the basics easily flow and anyone can pick it up and get right into it.

Profoundly sad users aren't taken into consideration when they designed the interfaces

No it's one subscription.

You just have to have both pieces working together that's all.

Yea it's confusing. Talk to the guy sold you the t2

I own the X1 because I liked idea of not getting a separate dAc.