Lumin and roon

Purchased the lumin D1 streamer. Has any lumin owners out there compared the lumin compatible navigation apps with roon? I read in a 2016 forum that roons metadata is not good...yet roon has had a lot of praise elsewhere. So, is your experience with lumin the best with roon?

Showing 1 response by smodtactical

I like roon, the UI is very smooth and I love that when I add local music on my roon core (my pc) roon automatically picks it up.

Now my only problem is I don't feel like paying for it. I have already invested $300+ into it for 3 + years and considering another option. I am considering getting a lumin u1 mini and using the lumin app. For those people who have used it, is it as smooth and seemless as roon. Does it automatically add local files that you add to your music server?