Lube for turntable - What do you prefer?

This weekend I relubed my turntable with high-grade machine oil - previously using universal grease in the main bearing. The sound has cleared up dramatically - I am gobsmacked!

What oil/grease do you prefer/recommend in your turntable?

Kind regards,
Dewald Visser

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It's funny that Oracle recommended a heavier weight oil for the old, worn bearing of your alexandria. They told me that the teflon coated bearing in the Delphis would probably benefit from lighter oil in an older bearing due to the fact that the teflon swells slightly with age, tightening up the clearance.

I don't know what type of bearing is used in the alexandria. Do you know? Is it teflon coated? From what they told you, it seems as though it is not teflon coated.

To see whether you have too heavy of an oil in your bearing, give it a little spin and observe how the platter comes to a stop. If it's quick and you can clearly see the point when it stops, either the clearance may be too tight or you might be using too heavy of an oil. In this case you can use a lighter oil. It should come to a stop very slowly. It should be difficult to see when it actually stops.

Dewald_visser, what did you machine the bearing clearance to when you built your table?