LTA - Has Anyone Had First Hand Experiance?

Linear Tube Audio is offering up a couple of interesting "Bundles" and I was giving some consideration to this one:


Wondering if anyone else out there has gone this route and if so, are you happy with the system?

LTA also offers this bundle but it's more money and only offers an amp and speakers:



Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Now that we have heard from the LTA fan club, I wonder what Atma-Sphere has to say. In LTA's marketing, without mentioning Atma- Sphere by name try to compare their ZOTL design to Atma-Sphere's OTL design. Unfortunately, there is a fair degree of deception there. Their amp is under powered for most high end loudspeakers. They will do fine on high efficiency speakers except their output impedance is 2 ohms which is very high so forget about bass control. I'm just playing devil's advocate.
Personally, I require an amp of at least 200 watts/channel. Atma-Sphere's MA2 fits the bill nicely. I have never been in contact with an LTA product. They look well made and I'm sure will work well for a lot of people. Unfortunately, nothing in their product line interests me and their marketing turns me off.