Running an LTA Ultralinear with the Daedalus Apollo’s, which are a larger version of the Muse. Check out my lengthy “review” of this pairing here. 30 years+ in this hobby and this pairing is the best I’ve found. Heard the Muse at 2018 CAF and knew it was a keeper—then Lou did the bigger Apollo with the same driver array and placed my order. Speakers and amplification for life!
LTA - Has Anyone Had First Hand Experiance?
Linear Tube Audio is offering up a couple of interesting "Bundles" and I was giving some consideration to this one:
Wondering if anyone else out there has gone this route and if so, are you happy with the system?
LTA also offers this bundle but it's more money and only offers an amp and speakers:
Wondering if anyone else out there has gone this route and if so, are you happy with the system?
LTA also offers this bundle but it's more money and only offers an amp and speakers: