LS3/5. What do u think ...the best match

What do y think is the best match (especially about amp and cables) for Rogers LS 3/5?
i'd like to read formthat person who in someother thread said about LS3/5 working at their best only with the right tube amps......WHICH?? TELL US PLEASE
A lot of LS3/5a fans in Hong Kong agree that Leak 12.1 vintage amps are the best tube amps for these speakers. Many people also got very good results with Quad II and Eico vintage amps.
i cant believe that we have to look for vintage amps to drive LS3/5to their best.....
I've only heard the combo once, because one of my employees owned a set of LS3/5as. We ran them on our S-30. The speaker is an effortless load (16 ohms) so it is very tube friendly. I remember being quite surprised at how well they did bass. And the rest of the range was fine. the S-30 is as big an amp as you want to put on them; the LS3/5s don't take a lot of power.

Have fun!