LP care

I've made the commitment to get back into vinyl, purchasing a VPI Classic 'table with Lyra Delos cartridge. routed through an ARC PH-5 to Ayre amplification and on to Vandy 5A's. Recognizing the importance of a quality RCM, I also bought a VPI 16.5, so all the basic elements for vinyl enjoyment are there. (Approximately one week until everything arrives and can be set up!)

With all that lengthy background, my question is: what are the most effective record cleaning fluids. I have to admit that I am getting high-centered over the range of choices: regular cleaning fluid, "deep" cleaning fluid, enzymatic cleaner, rinses, etc. etc. etc.

This is especially topical for me, as 80+% of the albums I will be playing have been in storage (and not always perfectly clean storage at that) for 2-3 decades. Plus other music I want to acquire is probably only going to be available used, so good cleaning is important for that, too.

Second question: I assume that once one has cleaned a record with a vacuum RCM, that it remains relatively clean and doesn't need RCM treatment for every listening; instead, it simply needs to be wiped with a brush to remove dust and static before playing (assuming nothing odd happens). True?

Sorry for the long question, but figure the more detail I give, the more useful input I'll get. I'm hoping to tap the expertise of those on this forum -- and please feel free to simply point me to existing material, either in the form of previous threads here or other on-line resources.

Thanks to all, and happy listening!

Showing 6 responses by wolf_garcia

A Spin Clean works very well, although not expensive enough to be taken seriously by some. It cleans seriously though. I've been rediscovering my collection of "10 years stored" moldy LPs and damn...after some cleaning I find a lot of fun in those records.
Well before I bought a Spin Clean I was visiting a friend who was cleaning LPs with a popular vacuum device...it sounded like a jet taking off next to my head and seemed like a messy pain in the butt. I wasn't listening to my LPs much back then (no excuse) so my interest in cleaning machines (or non mechanical cleaning techniques) was zero. Flash forward to recently and the Spin Clean...it works very well and has that zen-like quality of a manual hand tool thus imbuing the user with a sense of quiet peace, harmony, and an overall sense of well being resulting in the user possibly becoming a better person, or just another asshat with cleaner LPs.
The Spin Clean is hand operated and costs about $75. Fluid, the tight brushes, and elbow grease get 'er done. Also the act of drying the LPs pulls a lot of loosened stuff outta the groove...remember: Nature Abhors a Vacuum.
That vacuum thing is like the din of armageddon...like a thousand thunderclaps in your hat...Niagra Falls next to your lounge chair...Joan Rivers living in your eustachian tube...my ex wife in the passenger seat...
Nature DOES abhor a vacuum...look it up. When I manually spin my LPs in the Spin Clean, it strenghtens my forearms thus allowing me to skip that day's trip to the gym. Also, I drink the used water as I assume it imparts some musical information into my body, and damn if it didn't help me figure out an illusive Danny Gatton lick I'd been wrestling with for 20 years!