Low output vs. high output cartridges


How different Hana ML sounds than Hana MH? I wonder if anybody compared, not necessarily these two, but any cartridge model LO and HO versions.




Showing 4 responses by lewm

If it was all about moving mass, then MI cartridges would outperform other types, and HOMCs would have an edge on MMs. I don’t find that to be the case. Here we have yet another case of connecting a physical fact, the lower moving mass of LOMC’s versus HOMC’s, and a aural finding, how the cartridges sound, and making a conclusion, with no data that actually speak to the question. So at least for me, I don’t know why I have generally found HOMC cartridges to be inferior to the rest. But that’s what I hear.
I should add that my opinion is based on the MC category. Among MC cartridges I have consistently found the LO versions to be superior to HO, but higher output MI and MM cartridges also outperform HOMC types.