Low Inductance Speaker Cables

There are many brands of speaker cables that do focus on designing low inductance cables at the cost of raising capacitance (to safe levels though).
We all know that a lower resistance of speaker cables is always preferable with all amp/speakers, but what about low inductance? when is it preferable against regular zip cord typical inductance?

Showing 1 response by williewonka

I researched NAIM when I purchased my NAIM 5i integrated amp

It seemed high capacitance speaker cables could drive some solid state amps into "oscilation" which results in the amp destroying itself

I have not heard of problems with high inductance cables to date

A while back I decided to try some different cable architectures and settled on a Helix geometry because it seems to provide a low capacitance solution with a low inductance solution, with the added advantage of being noise free

Take a look at
