Low Frequency Rumble Question

I have a Linn LP12/Ekos/van den hul black beauty analog front end. When I play records from my collection, it is very quiet.

I have recently purchased some reissues of famous RCA recordings from Classic Records (all classical music) that appear on Harry Pearson's "super disc" list. In playing some, but not all, of these records, there is a fairly loud, low frequency "rumble" type noise in some fairly lenghty passages. It never lasts the whole disc, but is very pronounced when it occurs, almost like a low frequency "feedback" sound. This does not occur on my other records.

Has anyone had such a problem with any of the Classic Records reissues?? Could it be a problem with my system? - arm/catridge resonance problem perhaps? Any ideas on why it does this on only a few records?? Thanks for any thoughts.

Showing 1 response by jimbo3

Seeing that the problem occured only on a couple of albums, I would tend to think that it is those albums that are the problem. However, you may want to clean/inspect/re-lube the main bearing on the Linn.

A resonance problem would possibly manifest itself by mis-tracking. Mis-tracking might be apparent either sonically or actually seeing the arm jumping around excitedly or both.

Take a look and let us know...
