Low Cost DACs

Currently I have my laptop connected directly via 1/8 jack from headphone outlet into 2 RCAs directly into my tube amp. Quality of sound is lacking to say the least!
I am considering adding an inexpensive DAC ( iFi AUDIO nano iDSD LE Portable DAC  or iFi Audio nano iOne DAC ) into the stream between the laptop & amp.My question is: will this influence the overall sound I'll hear out of my speakers? Will adding such a DAC help to increase the quality of sound produced by the system?
I'm not interested in spending a lot of money on a DAC as this is a source that I don't use as much as some others already in the system.

Showing 2 responses by soix

FYI, Qobuz offers a free month trial so you can compare directly to Pandora. For 5 bucks more per month I think it’s a no brained.  I switched from Tidal to Qobuz and am very happy with the sound quality, music selection, interface, and and features.  I’d also highly recommend you compare the Modi 3 to the Multibit if you can. Schiit’s best DACs are multibit, which should tell you something. Either way, an external DAC is going to be a huge improvement over what you’re listening to now. Enjoy!
I like the prospect of "analog sounding." Always preferable to Digital Sound in my opion.

You sound like a great candidate for a multibit DAC, so paying up for the Modi Multibit may very well make sense.  Also, Qobuz was offering their hi-res subscription for $15/month, which I did recently and am thrilled with the quality and experience.  Best 15 bucks I spend every month.  Best of luck.