Low Cost DACs

Currently I have my laptop connected directly via 1/8 jack from headphone outlet into 2 RCAs directly into my tube amp. Quality of sound is lacking to say the least!
I am considering adding an inexpensive DAC ( iFi AUDIO nano iDSD LE Portable DAC  or iFi Audio nano iOne DAC ) into the stream between the laptop & amp.My question is: will this influence the overall sound I'll hear out of my speakers? Will adding such a DAC help to increase the quality of sound produced by the system?
I'm not interested in spending a lot of money on a DAC as this is a source that I don't use as much as some others already in the system.

Showing 3 responses by mesch

I have a Schiit Modi2 and also purchased a used Micromega MyDac for $125.  Either would make an improvement when playing from a computer. The Modi 2 can be found used for close to $50. That version has USB input only however may be all you need. I use mine to stream spotify from my Macbook pro. The MyDac has USB, optical and coax inputs. 
Yes, for what the MyDAC goes for used it is hard to beat. Linear power supply, USB, optical, coax inputs.  The Modi3 represents great value at it's cost new. 

That said, the use of a of a USB driven Modi2 which can be purchased used for~$50 would make for a real improvement over computer analog output.
Check out  Wireworld. I use the Chroma. I bought a 1 meter length for $30 new. A great cable for the money. I use mine with the Modi2.