Love to hear from current owners or past users of Isoacoustics Gaia footers.

Do you still like them? Have you replaced them with something you felt sounded better in your system? I am considering purchasing a set of the IIIs, but am not sure I want to spend $400 on these footers.  
From my previous post, I should state the obvious: to my ears, the Herbies BFD sounded better between my speakers and the stack of concrete pavers and wood sqaures than said stack without BFD’s.

My DIY platforms are wood with threaded inserts for 5/16 bolts at the four corners.  They provide 4” of height adjustment and also allowed me to insure plumb/level or rake (forward or backward).  Try this:  Set your speakers on padded carpet on a suspended floor.  Using a level, see if they are plum or level in any direction.  Even if they are, see if the floor itself is level.

My speakers were “listing” like a sailboat in wind.  And when when I set a long level between them, they were not level to each other (nor is the floor).  My platforms allow me to true everything up.  Speakers are level to each other, they are plumb/level so I get them exactly symmetrical to front/side walls and to my ears.  In my room with my gear this has provided outstanding results.  I go to within 1/16” L to R.  The stereo effect and placement of sounds is insane.

My interest in height adjustment came when I noticed singers—and everything else—were lower than they should be.  Then I read a reviewer lament that it is quite common among systems he visits at audio shows.  Note, I wasn’t trying to address perceived shortcomings in frequency response.

My speakers now sit 8 1/8” above grade based on listening tests.  My platforms allow me to listen as I make changes in only one variable:  Height.  Toe and distance to walls are unchanged as I raise (over lower) the speakers that sit on my platforms.

My tweeters are a 1/2” below my ears.  But my baffles slant backwards but I’m not sure if that affects the height they sound best compared with vertical (plumb) baffles.  My tweeters “fire upward” because the baffle slant backwards.  If they fired up like a laser (with zero dispersion), they’d fire about 8” above my ears.  Just an fyi—that they sound great about at ear level despite being raked back.  And the soundstage has been raised nicely as was my original goal. 

My latest experiment is to play with rake to try to get drivers (mine are 2-ways) identical distance from my ears.  Small rake back so far sounding very good, but I let such changes settle in and evaluate them for quite a while.

Nobsound springs will arrive any day.  Townshends will be tried next.

Note:  I will likely switch to a lower chair relatively soon.  Will lower speakers if needed.  I think vertical height adjustment is a largely ingnored parameter.  How could it not matter when every other set-up parameter does?

I have a dilemma which although it is only a minor hurdle in the fitting of the IsoAcoutic’s GAIA I Vibration Absorber Speaker Supports  to my Focal Sopra 2 Floor stander Speakers, I have seen them fitted to these speakers numerous times on YouTube Videos.

When I unscrew the supplied Spike Screws from the Focal Sopra 2 Floor stander Speakers, they hit the underside of the main speaker cabinet which prevents the complete removal of the floor spike screws to fir the new IsoAcoutic’s GAIA I Vibration Absorber Speaker Supports, so the whole Glass Base of the speaker must be able to be removed somehow?

Does any body know if the Glass Base of the Focal Sopra 2 Floor stander Speakers can be removed?
Is the Glass Base screwed to the wooden supports, or is it glued to the underside and can it be removed in an easy manner?
The speakers are difficult to maneuver, plus too heavy to move and turn upside down without assistance to look underneath which is why I am putting forward this forum assistance request.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!


You only need to separate the glass bottom a little in order to remove the spikes.
