Love to hear from current owners or past users of Isoacoustics Gaia footers.

Do you still like them? Have you replaced them with something you felt sounded better in your system? I am considering purchasing a set of the IIIs, but am not sure I want to spend $400 on these footers.  

Showing 2 responses by mesch

Ok, but the type of floor makes a difference on the result. In all cases reported herein it would be nice to know what type of floor as well as type of speaker. 

In my case I have Tannoy Sterling GRs. They weigh 55lbs. Currently  my system is on a suspended joist/plywood floor, however will be moving it to a dedicated room having carpet over concrete. 

My thinking is that the Gaia my prove more beneficial over the Tannoy provided spikes or footers in my current situation, but maybe less so once I move my system.

Any thoughts on this? 
Thanks ryder. I intend to try out the Gaia footers. Likely won't happen til this winter.