Lov'n the MC-0.5's but - a magnetic question

I'm totally on-board with High Fidelity's MC5's. You can't argue the improvement just 2 make in a system and it's somewhat confusing how additional ones work so well with apparently no diminishing return. In a short 4 week time period, I've added 6 (in increments of 2) to my preamp line and am ordering 6 more today for my amps.

I have one nagging question about regarding how well they work. After reading a review about their cable construction, there is mention that the core wire of each interconnect can't be silver, copper, or gold due to the fact that these metals won't conduct magnetism. I realize this truth. How then, is the MC-0.5 advantageous to a power line since the magnetism should not be able to flow through the system? 

It may be one of those "If I tell you I'd have to kill you" questions. 


Showing 5 responses by tgun5

Understanding that magnets improve or focus the flow of electrons would seem to be dependant on how far downstream they are. However, I might just be overthinking this. 
So do the magnets increase the strength of the field? If so, still wondering about the length of effect/flow.
I wish HFC would jump in here. I asked a question about why we have historically demagnetized everything - including CD's and the electronic path (Ayre de-mag CD) and didn't receive a great answer. There is no doubt that the MC-0.5's sound great as do their interconnects. If their interconnects require ferrous metals then how does the MC-0.5 work with non-ferrous metal? Just need some clarification.
I get the overall concept. Apparently, the cable reviewer made the assumption that the interconnects were ferrous metals rather than copper, gold, or silver and there is nothing on the website to state differently. As far as the interconnects, I would just like to know what the main wire component is. I'm curious as I would be with any other interconnect that I've purchased. I don't see how that would compromise their technology. As far as the copper romex, I get that the magnetism optimizes the flow as seen in the video. Is there an optimal distance from the components? Do ferrous metals work better? These are questions that most audiophiles would be curious about.

I just don't think or agree that magnetism is great in every area of the system. They seem to make a blanket statement that it is. I found that even though there was an improvement in detail when I plugged (4) MC-0.5's into a Shunyata V-Ray, other areas were disturbed. I lost sound-stage width and air around each instrument. That changed when I placed the MC-0.5's downstream of the Shunyata. Something in the Shunyata didn't respond well to the magnetism. 

So I don't dispute their products sound great and the technology is pretty spectacular. I just wish there was a little more transparency.