Loudspeaker sensitivity and dynamics: are the two inexorably linked?

Have been listening to quite a few speakers lately, and increasingly I've noticed that more sensitive speakers tend to have better microdyanmics - the sense that the sound is more "alive" or more like the real thing.

The speakers involved include my own Magico A5's, Joseph Audio Pulsar 2's, and  Wilson Watt/Puppy 7's, as well as others including the Magico M3, Wilson Alexia V, various Sonus Faber's, Magnepan's,  Borressen's, and Rockport models (Cygnus and Avior II).

A recent visit to High Water Sound in NYC topped the cake though: proprietor and vinyl guru Jeff Catalano showed off a pair of Cessaro horns (Opus One) that literally blew our minds (with a few listening buddies).  The Cessaro's sensitivity is rated at 97 db, highest among the aforementioned models.  That system was very close to live performance - and leads to the topic.

I'm not referring to maximum loudness or volume, rather that the music sounds less reproduced and more that the instrumentation and vocals are more real sounding through higher sensitivity speakers.

Is this a real phenomenon?  Or is it more the particular gear I've experienced?



Showing 2 responses by dentdog

Having read the thread and at many points being out of my depth some questions remain that interest me. Small sample size here as to experience so bear with me. Recently changed speakers going from Zu Def 4s to my present speaker. The Zus being a really high eff speaker probably used just a fraction of the available power and could honestly project a tremendous sound pressure, hit you in the chest type of stuff. My electronics are pretty high end tube chain, so no  brightness, actually a very nice timbre and tone.

The 10" drivers, even when pushed hardly move. Dynamics in spades. New speakers, while they have better resolution don't have the immediacy or frankly the presence of the Zus. They are rated at 93db so probably not stressing the amps, which are rated at 100 amps.

Just assumed it was efficiency related but after reading the thread think maybe it's some other factor.

Having read the thread and at many points being out of my depth some questions remain that interest me. Small sample size here as to experience so bear with me. Recently changed speakers going from Zu Def 4s to my present speaker. The Zus being a really high eff speaker probably used just a fraction of the available power and could honestly project a tremendous sound pressure, hit you in the chest type of stuff. My electronics are pretty high end tube chain, so no  brightness, actually a very nice timbre and tone.

The 10" drivers, even when pushed hardly move. Dynamics in spades. New speakers, while the have better resolution and I guess you could say better resolutiont don't have the immediacy or frankly the presence of the Zus. They are rated at 93db so probably not stressing the amps, which are rated at 100 amps.

Just assumed it was efficiency related but after reading the thread think maybe it's some other factor.